Reflections on Enhancing Large Language Models with a Prefrontal Cortex-Inspired Architecture for Improved Planning and Reasoning

Feng Li
Oct 2024

In the recent paper titled A Prefrontal Cortex-inspired Architecture for Planning in Large Language Models, the authors took a refreshing neural approach to improving the reasoning and planning capabilities of large language models (LLMs), drawing inspiration from human cognitive systems. Unlike other cognitive scientists who criticize or praise LLMs based on performance metrics, this work is pragmatic, focusing on addressing LLMs' limitations and proposing a solution grounded in cognitive science principles.

The paper highlights some key challenges in LLMs, particularly in reasoning and planning tasks such as graph traversal, the Tower of Hanoi, and logistics problems. The proposed solution involves a Prefrontal Cortex-inspired architecture, mapping functions of different prefrontal regions in the human brain to components of the model to enhance its decision-making and planning capabilities.

The Proposed Framework

The framework operates by mimicking the function of different brain areas:

These components run in a loop, consistently generating actions, validating them, and updating the system to navigate through complex tasks.

Key Reflections

1. Action Proposal Using Pretrained Knowledge

The Actor proposes actions based solely on the LLM’s pre-existing knowledge. This is efficient because it limits the action space, which could otherwise be infinite. However, this approach limits the model's ability to learn new actions in an interactive way, unlike how humans operate. Incorporating a memory mechanism, perhaps an unstructured embedding of the current state and subgoal (like a cache), could allow the model to adapt and improve more dynamically.

2. Text-based Input and Graph Complexity

The model's experience is constrained to text-based input, which sometimes complicates tasks that are more intuitive in visual formats (e.g., graph traversal). Converting simple visual graphs into textual inputs (e.g., "Node 7 and Node 9 are connected") may introduce unnecessary complexity. Reducing task difficulty or using alternative evaluation tasks, such as finding the shortest path between two nodes, could offer a clearer test of the model's reasoning capabilities and whether it has formed a cognitive map.

3. Limited Observability

A potential future direction could be to provide the model with only partial information, revealing more as the task progresses. This mimics real-world scenarios and human exploration, where agents learn incrementally. However, current LLMs might struggle with such tasks. Adding a predictive model to forecast future inputs could help the system develop a cognitive map and improve performance in partially observable environments.

4. Computational Costs

The paper notes a significant increase in computational cost—100 to 1000 times more calls and input tokens compared to baseline methods. However, this isn't necessarily a flaw of the model. Human reasoning often involves extensive dialogue and thought processes, and the computational gap between LLMs and human brains, in terms of energy consumption, is vast. As computational resources become cheaper and more optimized algorithms are developed, this limitation may diminish. However, the efficiency of LLM structures still has room for improvement, especially when comparing the power usage of LLM clusters to the human brain.

Final Thoughts

This paper brings forth an exciting perspective by integrating neuroscience-inspired structures into AI architectures. While the current limitations highlight opportunities for further refinement, such as incorporating memory mechanisms, dealing with input complexity, and reducing computational costs, the proposed framework is a step in the right direction for advancing LLMs' planning and reasoning abilities. By continuing to draw inspiration from human cognition, we might bridge the gap between how machines and humans reason, especially when it comes to complex, multi-step tasks.